6. Digital as an enabler.
All companies eventually become digital or are already digital. Digital should be an enabler of more and better value and leveraging digital technologies should be considered in everything you do. So, in any vision and strategy, it should be clearly indicated what digital means for your customers, and how it powers value creation and business operations. Once you have this clarity, you can make the required investments in systems, people, capability development, Machine Learning/AI/IoT, or any other digital technology with more confidence.
7. Smooth customer experience.
Apple Pay allows us to pay easily and smoothly with our mobile phones. Amazon allows us to order instantly and receive our goods the same day with a smile. Do I need to say more? Your customer experience should at least match the experience of what customers experience from home shopping or delivery. You need to be at par to remain relevant.
8. Co-creation goes beyond the boardroom.
Strategy is not for the board and highbrow consultants only. Vision and strategy is about orchestrating strategic conversations with all members of the company at all different levels. By doing this, your organization will collectively see and feel how customer needs are evolving, what is happening in the market, and where your company wants and need to play. Everybody is then involved and understands how you can win in terms of the best value for your customers. As such, all teams and individuals know how to make a difference and contribute to value-driven growth of the company.
9. Include customer insights.
You can talk about the future for days and imagine the unimaginable. As Barack Obama would say: “You can be most comfortable in your own bubble”. But staying in your bubble is not how to craft a vision and strategy. We need to go out in the real world to gain deep insights about customers and their needs. Insights from customers, either through interviews, videos, or even conversations during the offsite, gives direction and inspiration for making strategic choices. Unfortunately, very few management teams feel comfortable to invite customers to their offsite.
10. Strategy as a story and a heartbeat.
Strategy should not be about the offsite with the boardroom. It should not be this single, once a year event. It is not setting a strategic plan in stone. Strategy is about a clear direction and the journey to validate and develop that direction by continuously engaging leadership and teams throughout the entire organization. You engage by sharing stories about the journey, about the efforts, about the twists and turns, and about the results—both successes and failures. Make this sharing periodically, a so-called strategy heartbeat. This is a communication format tailored to the various audiences in your organization, that runs every other week or month in which people share stories on how your vision and strategy is materializing.
11. The company offsite.
Yeah, the offsite with all of your company employees. A great experience to have strategic conversations and validate explorations of the future. You need to spend time with your teams to think about who you are and where you want to be. You will get great insights from unexpected sources and it gives them time to internalize the strategy and their contribution to making it happen.
Are you ready to design your next growth strategy that will get you to triple bottom line results? Let's talk. We would love for you to join our mission to design, build and grow better businesses.