How to use this canvas
If you have ever worked with design or designers, chances are that you have seen multiple varieties of personas being used to get a grip on who a customer or user is. This canvas helps you to build your own personas.
1. Name, role/occupation.
Giving your persona a real name and role helps anchor them in reality. Using a real person is even better.
2. Outlines.
The canvas is designed to make it easy for you to draw what your customer looks like on top of it. Is it a man? A woman? Is he or she happy? Or sad? Do they wear specific clothes? Make a rich picture.
3. Need.
In the end, we want to try to identify needs for the persona. What do they really want? What decisions will they take? The rest of the canvas helps to zoom in.
4. Positive trends.
What are positive trends the persona experiences in their life?
5. Opportunities.
What are positive opportunities the persona experiences in their life? These could be in work, or private life.
6. Hopes.
What hopes does the persona have for the future?
7. Negative trends.
What are negative trends the persona experiences in their life?
8. Headaches.
What are negative headaches the persona experiences in their life? These could be in work, or private life.
9. Fears.
What fears does the persona have for the future?